New Green Services provide cleaning, gardening and associated services throughout London and the Southeast.
We are always looking to recruit the right people to support our diverse and growing business. Our reputation and business success depends on the quality of our people and whenever possible we will attempt to recruit locally and invest within the community.
If you join us you will be put through our rigorous training programme prior to working at client sites or working in our offices. A twelve month training plan will be developed for you to ensure you are regularly and properly trained in the safe and proper delivery of the services we provide. You can expect to receive Third Party Accredited training. If you join us as a gardener you will be trained to RHS standards. If you join us as a cleaner then you will be trained to BICS standards.
Our full time staff work 40 hours per week Monday to Friday between 8am- 5.30pm. We are a flexible employer and we will, if we can, adjust your starting and finishing times to work around your family commitments. We also employ part time staff throughout the Company.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We believe in recruiting local people to deliver a local service. If you would like a copy of our Equal Opportunities policy please email us at
From time to time we advertise vacancies on the website but please feel free to enquire by telephoning 01707 871516 and ask to speak to Diane Rogers or email us at or see our Facebook page for regular updates.